Tuesday, December 16, 2008

jacinto contreras

be ready to answer the multiple choice questions at the end of Jacinto Contreras.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

show and tell

bring an object.
be able to describe it.
be able to integrate:
se impersonal.
voz pasiva.
condicional with past reported speech.
(Ella me dijo que nosotros iriamos al cafe para tomar un taza de te)

Friday, December 05, 2008


read the journal prompts for the next journal.

also. look to the right. visit one of those sites, find an interesting radio selection. listen to it (more than once if possible) read the accompanying text afterwards (if there is any). Be ready to present a summary (w/o notes) on Tuesday.

Monday, December 01, 2008

AP Dec 1, 2

Para martes. Completar p. 104, 105 secciones 6,7en el libro Diaz.
Para miercoles. Leer p. 162, 163 del libro Diaz.